Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
54. Angst P., Haag C. R., Ben-Ami F., Fields P. D., Ebert D., 2024. Genome-wide allele frequency changes reveal that dynamic metapopulations evolve differently, Molecular Biology and Evolution 41: 7.
53. Halle, S., Hirshberg, O., Manzi, F. et al. 2024. Coinfection frequency in water flea populations is a mere reflection of parasite diversity. Communication Biology 7:559.
52.Liberman, Y. R., Ben-Ami, F. & Meiri, S. 2024. Artificial cover objects as a tool for the survey and conservation of herpetofauna. Biodiversity and Conservation 33, 1575–1590.
51. Clay P. A., Gattis S. , Garcia J. , Hernandez V., Ben-Ami F., and Duffy M. 2023.Age structure eliminates the impact of coinfection on epidemic dynamics in a freshwater zooplankton system. The American Naturalist 202:6.
50. Orlansky, S., Ben-Ami, F. 2023. The parasites of my rival are my friends. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14:1 .
49. Marcus, E., Dagan, T., Asli, W., Ben-Ami, F. 2023. Out of the ‘host’ box: Extreme off-host conditions alter the infectivity and virulence of a parasitic bacterium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 378: 20220015.
48. Angst, P., Ameline, C., Haag, C. R., Ben-Ami, F., Ebert, D., Fields, P. D. 2022. Genetic drift shapes the evolution of a highly dynamic metapopulation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39: msac264.
47. de Albuquerque, N. R. M., Haag, K. L., Fields, P. D., Cabalzar, A., Ben-Ami, F., Pombert, J-F., Ebert, D. 2022. A new microsporidian parasite, Ordospora pajunii sp. nov (Ordosporidae), of Daphnia longispina highlights the value of genomic data for delineating species boundaries. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 69: e12902.
46. Paraskevopoulou, S., Gattis, S., Ben-Ami, F. 2022. Parasite resistance and parasite tolerance: Insights into transgenerational immune priming in an invertebrate host. Biology Letters 18: 20220018.
45. Lively, C. M., Xu, J., Ben-Ami, F. 2021. Causation without correlation: Parasite-mediated frequency-dependent selection and infection prevalence. Biology Letters 17: 20210321.
44. Manzi, F., Halle, S., Seemann, L., Ben-Ami, F., Wolinska, J. 2021. Sequential infection of Daphnia magna by a gut microsporidium followed by a haemolymph yeast decreases transmission of both parasites. Parasitology 148: 1566-1577.
43. Izhar, R., Gilboa, C. & Ben-Ami, F. 2020. Disentangling the steps of the infection process responsible for juvenile disease susceptibility. Functional Ecology 34: 1551-1563.
42. Ben-Ami, F., Orlic, C. & Regoes, R. R. 2020. Disentangling between non-specific and specific transgenerational immune priming components in host-parasite interactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 287: 20192386.
41. Manzi, F., Agha, R., Lu, Y., Ben-Ami, F. & Wolinska, J. 2020. Temperature and host diet jointly influence the outcome of infection in a Daphnia-fungal parasite system. Freshwater Biology 65: 757-767.
40. Orlansky, S. & Ben-Ami, F. 2019. Genetic resistance and specificity in sister taxa of Daphnia: Insights from the range of host susceptibilities. Parasites & Vectors 12: 545.
39. Trompeta, A-F., Preiss, I., Ben-Ami, F., Benayahu, Y. & Charitidis, C. 2019.Toxicity testing of MWCNTs to aquatic species. RSC Advances 9: 36707-36716.
38. Ben-Ami, F. 2019. Host age effects in invertebrates: Epidemiological, ecological, and evolutionary implications. Trends in Parasitology 35: 466-480.
37. Hirschberg, O. & Ben-Ami, F. 2019. Sinkholes as a source of life in the Dead Sea region. Aquatic Sciences 81: 14.
36. Urca, H. & Ben-Ami, F. 2018. The role of spore morphology in horizontal transmission of a microsporidium of Daphnia. Parasitology 145: 1452-1457.
35. Dagan, Y., Kosman, E. & Ben-Ami, F. 2017. Cost of resistance to trematodes in freshwater snail populations with low clonal diversity. BMC Ecology 17: 40.
34. Ben-Ami, F. 2017. The virulence-transmission relationship in an obligate killer holds under diverse epidemiological and ecological conditions, but where is the trade-off? Ecology and Evolution 7: 11157-11166.
33. Goren, L. & Ben-Ami, F. 2017. To eat or not to eat infected food: a bug’s dilemma. Hydrobiologia 798: 25-32.
32. Ebert, D., Duneau, D., Hall, M. D., Luijckx, P., Andras, J. P., Du Pasquier, L. & Ben-Ami, F. 2016. A population biology perspective on the stepwise infection process of the bacterial pathogen Pasteuria ramosa in Daphnia. Advances in Parasitology 91: 265-310.
31. Comay, O., Edelman-Furstenberg, Y. & Ben-Ami, F. 2015. Patterns in molluscan death assemblages along the Israeli Mediterranean continental shelf. Quaternary International 390: 21-28.
30. Izhar, R. & Ben-Ami, F. 2015. Host age modulates parasite infectivity, virulence and reproduction. Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 1018-1028.
29. Izhar, R., Routtu, J. & Ben-Ami, F. 2015. Host age modulates within-host parasite competition. Biology Letters 11: 20150131.
28. Guttel, Y. & Ben-Ami, F. 2014. The maintenance of hybrids by parasitism in a freshwater snail. International Journal for Parasitology 44: 1001-1008.
27. Goren, L., Routtu, J. & Ben-Ami, F. 2014. Trematode-associated morbidity and mortality of tadpoles in Israel. Parasitology Research 113: 3833-3841.
26. Routtu, J., Grunberg, D., Izhar, R., Dagan, Y., Guttel, Y., Ucko, M. & Ben-Ami, F. 2014. Selective and universal primers for trematode barcoding in freshwater snails. Parasitology Research 113: 2535-2540.
25. Sheikh-Jabbari, E., Hall, M. D., Ben-Ami, F. & Ebert, D. 2014. The expression of virulence for a mixed-mode transmitted parasite in a diapausing host. Parasitology 141: 1097-1107.
24. Dagan, Y., Liljeroos, K., Jokela, J. & Ben-Ami, F. 2013. Clonal diversity driven by parasitism in a freshwater snail. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 2509-2519.
23. Ben-Ami, F. & Routtu, J. 2013. The expression and evolution of virulence in multiple infections: The role of specificity, relative virulence and relative dose. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13: 97.
22. Haag, K., Sheikh-Jabbari, E., Ben-Ami, F. & Ebert, D. 2013. Microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorphisms indicate recurrent transitions to asexuality in a microsporidian parasite. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1117-1128.
21. Goren, L. & Ben-Ami, F. 2013. Ecological correlates between cladocerans and their endoparasites from permanent and rain pools: Patterns in community composition and diversity. Hydrobiologia 701: 13-23.
20. Ben-Ami, F., Rigaud, T. & Ebert, D. 2011. The expression of virulence during double infections by different parasites with conflicting host exploitation and transmission strategies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 1307-1316.
19. Duneau, D., Luijckx, P., Ben-Ami, F., Laforsch, C. & Ebert, D. 2011. Resolving the infection process reveals striking differences in the contribution of environment, genetics and phylogeny to host-parasite interactions. BMC Biology 9: 11.
18. Luijckx, P., Ben-Ami, F., Mouton, L., Du Pasquier, L. & Ebert, D. 2011. Cloning of the unculturable parasite Pasteuria ramosa and its Daphnia host reveals extreme genotype-genotype interactions. Ecology Letters 14: 125-131.
17. Ben-Ami, F., Ebert, D. & Regoes, R. R. 2010. Pathogen dose infectivity curves as a method to analyze the distribution of host susceptibility: A quantitative assessment of maternal effects after food stress and pathogen exposure. The American Naturalist 175: 106-115.
16. Qi, W., Nong, G., Preston, J. F., Ben-Ami, F. & Ebert, D. 2009. Comparative metagenomics of Daphnia symbionts. BMC Genomics 10: 172.
15. Ben-Ami, F., Mouton, L. & Ebert, D. 2008. The effects of multiple infections on the expression and evolution of virulence in a Daphnia-endoparasite system. Evolution 62: 1700-1711.
14. Ben-Ami, F., Regoes, R. R. & Ebert, D. 2008. A quantitative test of the relationship between parasite dose and infection probability across different host-parasite combinations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 275: 853-859.
13. Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2008. Sex versus parasitism versus density. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93: 537-544.
12. Sivan, N., Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2007. Taxonomy of Pliocene and quaternary Thiaridae (Gastropoda) of Israel. Journal of Conchology 39: 411-424.
11. Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2007. Temporal patterns of geographic parthenogenesis in a freshwater snail. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 711-718.
10. Ben-Ami, F. 2006. First report of the invasive freshwater snail Tarebia granifera (Lamarck, 1816) (Gastropoda: Thiaridae) from Israel. The Nautilus 120: 156-161.
9. Lefcort, H., Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2006. Terrestrial snails use predator-diet to assess danger. Journal of Ethology 24: 97-102.
8. Ben-Ami, F., Gold, D. & Fried, B. 2005. Differential infectivity of Transversotrema patialense for naïve fish. Journal of Parasitology 91: 949-950.
7. Heller, J., Mordan, P., Ben-Ami, F. & Sivan, N. 2005. Conchometrics, systematics and distribution of Melanopsis (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Levant. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 144: 229-260.
6. Ben-Ami, F. & Hodgson, A. N. 2005. Ovoviviparity and the structure of the brood pouch in Melanoides tuberculata (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Thiaridae). Journal of Morphology 263: 322-329.
5. Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2005. Spatial and temporal patterns of parthenogenesis and parasitism in the freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18: 138-146.
4. Heller, J., Sivan, N. & Ben-Ami, F. 2002. Systematics of Melanopsis from the coastal plain of Israel (Gastropoda: Cerithioidea). Journal of Conchology 37: 589-606.
3. Hodgson, A. N., Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2002. Ultrastructure of oogenesis in an ovoviviparous and an oviparous freshwater snail (Caenogastropoda). Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 41: 1-11.
2. Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2001. Biological control of aquatic pest snails by the black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus. Biological Control 22: 131-138.
1. Ben-Ami, F. & Sivan, N. 2000. A survey of landsnails from southwestern Jordan. Israel Journal of Zoology 46: 181-191.
53. Halle, S., Hirshberg, O., Manzi, F. et al. 2024. Coinfection frequency in water flea populations is a mere reflection of parasite diversity. Communication Biology 7:559.
52.Liberman, Y. R., Ben-Ami, F. & Meiri, S. 2024. Artificial cover objects as a tool for the survey and conservation of herpetofauna. Biodiversity and Conservation 33, 1575–1590.
51. Clay P. A., Gattis S. , Garcia J. , Hernandez V., Ben-Ami F., and Duffy M. 2023.Age structure eliminates the impact of coinfection on epidemic dynamics in a freshwater zooplankton system. The American Naturalist 202:6.
50. Orlansky, S., Ben-Ami, F. 2023. The parasites of my rival are my friends. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14:1 .
49. Marcus, E., Dagan, T., Asli, W., Ben-Ami, F. 2023. Out of the ‘host’ box: Extreme off-host conditions alter the infectivity and virulence of a parasitic bacterium. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 378: 20220015.
48. Angst, P., Ameline, C., Haag, C. R., Ben-Ami, F., Ebert, D., Fields, P. D. 2022. Genetic drift shapes the evolution of a highly dynamic metapopulation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 39: msac264.
47. de Albuquerque, N. R. M., Haag, K. L., Fields, P. D., Cabalzar, A., Ben-Ami, F., Pombert, J-F., Ebert, D. 2022. A new microsporidian parasite, Ordospora pajunii sp. nov (Ordosporidae), of Daphnia longispina highlights the value of genomic data for delineating species boundaries. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 69: e12902.
46. Paraskevopoulou, S., Gattis, S., Ben-Ami, F. 2022. Parasite resistance and parasite tolerance: Insights into transgenerational immune priming in an invertebrate host. Biology Letters 18: 20220018.
45. Lively, C. M., Xu, J., Ben-Ami, F. 2021. Causation without correlation: Parasite-mediated frequency-dependent selection and infection prevalence. Biology Letters 17: 20210321.
44. Manzi, F., Halle, S., Seemann, L., Ben-Ami, F., Wolinska, J. 2021. Sequential infection of Daphnia magna by a gut microsporidium followed by a haemolymph yeast decreases transmission of both parasites. Parasitology 148: 1566-1577.
43. Izhar, R., Gilboa, C. & Ben-Ami, F. 2020. Disentangling the steps of the infection process responsible for juvenile disease susceptibility. Functional Ecology 34: 1551-1563.
42. Ben-Ami, F., Orlic, C. & Regoes, R. R. 2020. Disentangling between non-specific and specific transgenerational immune priming components in host-parasite interactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 287: 20192386.
41. Manzi, F., Agha, R., Lu, Y., Ben-Ami, F. & Wolinska, J. 2020. Temperature and host diet jointly influence the outcome of infection in a Daphnia-fungal parasite system. Freshwater Biology 65: 757-767.
40. Orlansky, S. & Ben-Ami, F. 2019. Genetic resistance and specificity in sister taxa of Daphnia: Insights from the range of host susceptibilities. Parasites & Vectors 12: 545.
39. Trompeta, A-F., Preiss, I., Ben-Ami, F., Benayahu, Y. & Charitidis, C. 2019.Toxicity testing of MWCNTs to aquatic species. RSC Advances 9: 36707-36716.
38. Ben-Ami, F. 2019. Host age effects in invertebrates: Epidemiological, ecological, and evolutionary implications. Trends in Parasitology 35: 466-480.
37. Hirschberg, O. & Ben-Ami, F. 2019. Sinkholes as a source of life in the Dead Sea region. Aquatic Sciences 81: 14.
36. Urca, H. & Ben-Ami, F. 2018. The role of spore morphology in horizontal transmission of a microsporidium of Daphnia. Parasitology 145: 1452-1457.
35. Dagan, Y., Kosman, E. & Ben-Ami, F. 2017. Cost of resistance to trematodes in freshwater snail populations with low clonal diversity. BMC Ecology 17: 40.
34. Ben-Ami, F. 2017. The virulence-transmission relationship in an obligate killer holds under diverse epidemiological and ecological conditions, but where is the trade-off? Ecology and Evolution 7: 11157-11166.
33. Goren, L. & Ben-Ami, F. 2017. To eat or not to eat infected food: a bug’s dilemma. Hydrobiologia 798: 25-32.
32. Ebert, D., Duneau, D., Hall, M. D., Luijckx, P., Andras, J. P., Du Pasquier, L. & Ben-Ami, F. 2016. A population biology perspective on the stepwise infection process of the bacterial pathogen Pasteuria ramosa in Daphnia. Advances in Parasitology 91: 265-310.
31. Comay, O., Edelman-Furstenberg, Y. & Ben-Ami, F. 2015. Patterns in molluscan death assemblages along the Israeli Mediterranean continental shelf. Quaternary International 390: 21-28.
30. Izhar, R. & Ben-Ami, F. 2015. Host age modulates parasite infectivity, virulence and reproduction. Journal of Animal Ecology 84: 1018-1028.
29. Izhar, R., Routtu, J. & Ben-Ami, F. 2015. Host age modulates within-host parasite competition. Biology Letters 11: 20150131.
28. Guttel, Y. & Ben-Ami, F. 2014. The maintenance of hybrids by parasitism in a freshwater snail. International Journal for Parasitology 44: 1001-1008.
27. Goren, L., Routtu, J. & Ben-Ami, F. 2014. Trematode-associated morbidity and mortality of tadpoles in Israel. Parasitology Research 113: 3833-3841.
26. Routtu, J., Grunberg, D., Izhar, R., Dagan, Y., Guttel, Y., Ucko, M. & Ben-Ami, F. 2014. Selective and universal primers for trematode barcoding in freshwater snails. Parasitology Research 113: 2535-2540.
25. Sheikh-Jabbari, E., Hall, M. D., Ben-Ami, F. & Ebert, D. 2014. The expression of virulence for a mixed-mode transmitted parasite in a diapausing host. Parasitology 141: 1097-1107.
24. Dagan, Y., Liljeroos, K., Jokela, J. & Ben-Ami, F. 2013. Clonal diversity driven by parasitism in a freshwater snail. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 2509-2519.
23. Ben-Ami, F. & Routtu, J. 2013. The expression and evolution of virulence in multiple infections: The role of specificity, relative virulence and relative dose. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13: 97.
22. Haag, K., Sheikh-Jabbari, E., Ben-Ami, F. & Ebert, D. 2013. Microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorphisms indicate recurrent transitions to asexuality in a microsporidian parasite. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1117-1128.
21. Goren, L. & Ben-Ami, F. 2013. Ecological correlates between cladocerans and their endoparasites from permanent and rain pools: Patterns in community composition and diversity. Hydrobiologia 701: 13-23.
20. Ben-Ami, F., Rigaud, T. & Ebert, D. 2011. The expression of virulence during double infections by different parasites with conflicting host exploitation and transmission strategies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 1307-1316.
19. Duneau, D., Luijckx, P., Ben-Ami, F., Laforsch, C. & Ebert, D. 2011. Resolving the infection process reveals striking differences in the contribution of environment, genetics and phylogeny to host-parasite interactions. BMC Biology 9: 11.
18. Luijckx, P., Ben-Ami, F., Mouton, L., Du Pasquier, L. & Ebert, D. 2011. Cloning of the unculturable parasite Pasteuria ramosa and its Daphnia host reveals extreme genotype-genotype interactions. Ecology Letters 14: 125-131.
17. Ben-Ami, F., Ebert, D. & Regoes, R. R. 2010. Pathogen dose infectivity curves as a method to analyze the distribution of host susceptibility: A quantitative assessment of maternal effects after food stress and pathogen exposure. The American Naturalist 175: 106-115.
16. Qi, W., Nong, G., Preston, J. F., Ben-Ami, F. & Ebert, D. 2009. Comparative metagenomics of Daphnia symbionts. BMC Genomics 10: 172.
15. Ben-Ami, F., Mouton, L. & Ebert, D. 2008. The effects of multiple infections on the expression and evolution of virulence in a Daphnia-endoparasite system. Evolution 62: 1700-1711.
14. Ben-Ami, F., Regoes, R. R. & Ebert, D. 2008. A quantitative test of the relationship between parasite dose and infection probability across different host-parasite combinations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 275: 853-859.
13. Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2008. Sex versus parasitism versus density. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93: 537-544.
12. Sivan, N., Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2007. Taxonomy of Pliocene and quaternary Thiaridae (Gastropoda) of Israel. Journal of Conchology 39: 411-424.
11. Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2007. Temporal patterns of geographic parthenogenesis in a freshwater snail. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 711-718.
10. Ben-Ami, F. 2006. First report of the invasive freshwater snail Tarebia granifera (Lamarck, 1816) (Gastropoda: Thiaridae) from Israel. The Nautilus 120: 156-161.
9. Lefcort, H., Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2006. Terrestrial snails use predator-diet to assess danger. Journal of Ethology 24: 97-102.
8. Ben-Ami, F., Gold, D. & Fried, B. 2005. Differential infectivity of Transversotrema patialense for naïve fish. Journal of Parasitology 91: 949-950.
7. Heller, J., Mordan, P., Ben-Ami, F. & Sivan, N. 2005. Conchometrics, systematics and distribution of Melanopsis (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the Levant. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 144: 229-260.
6. Ben-Ami, F. & Hodgson, A. N. 2005. Ovoviviparity and the structure of the brood pouch in Melanoides tuberculata (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Thiaridae). Journal of Morphology 263: 322-329.
5. Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2005. Spatial and temporal patterns of parthenogenesis and parasitism in the freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18: 138-146.
4. Heller, J., Sivan, N. & Ben-Ami, F. 2002. Systematics of Melanopsis from the coastal plain of Israel (Gastropoda: Cerithioidea). Journal of Conchology 37: 589-606.
3. Hodgson, A. N., Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2002. Ultrastructure of oogenesis in an ovoviviparous and an oviparous freshwater snail (Caenogastropoda). Invertebrate Reproduction and Development 41: 1-11.
2. Ben-Ami, F. & Heller, J. 2001. Biological control of aquatic pest snails by the black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus. Biological Control 22: 131-138.
1. Ben-Ami, F. & Sivan, N. 2000. A survey of landsnails from southwestern Jordan. Israel Journal of Zoology 46: 181-191.
Book Chapters
Other Publications |
- Ben-Ami, F. 2014. Mollusk shells from the excavation at Bet She’an (Youth Hostel). ‘Atiqot 77: 132, 149-151.